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Friday 2 May 2014

Edinburgh's Field of Light Part II

The field of light was due to end in April so we went into town one Sunday for one last look.

These first two photos were taken while it was still daylight, and the plan was to come back later as it was getting dark to take more.

Just as it was getting dark after we'd had some dinner, we headed back to the park.  It was a lovely night so I started snapping away.  I had planned to take more than I did but, to our total amazement, the park closed at 9 p.m. that night.  We had thought it was 10 p.m. going by our last visit, but it was not to be - and once again our visit was cut short, so it's just as well we had arrived earlier to give me time to at least get something into the camera!!  With being a bit rushed, the photos weren't as good as I thought they might be, but here are the best ones.

Managed to get some light trails in the background

Tuesday 1 April 2014

Edinburgh's Field of Light

I am probably getting all of my posts today in the wrong order, but never mind!!  I can't believe that I forgot to post about my visit to the Field of Light in St. Andrews Square, Edinburgh!  We had a lovely day in town on the 11th March to celebrate my husband's birthday the day before, and we visited Calton Hill and Calton Cemetery (not posted photos of there yet either!!) before having a nice Italian meal then visiting the Field of Light before going to the Playhouse to see the Illegal Eagles in concert.  Anyway, the Field of Light is quite interesting, but I didn't have a lot of time to take photos, so I am hoping to get back there before it ends later this month.  Here are a few of my favourites from that night:

Fairy Lantern

During some of the tidying I done in the garden last month, I found another 'skeleton'  from my Chinese lantern plant in the mounds of leaves I was about to hoover up (I'm sorry, but I don't know what it's proper name is).  However, this one had a wee berry inside so I brought it indoors to take some photos of it before it got blown away!  This is the best one.

Skeleton of Chinese Lantern

Somewhere over the rainbow

On some of my ramblings in January and February I went down to the beach and and caught these rainbow shots.  I always have difficulty in capturing rainbows, so I am quite pleased with these, although I did have to tweak them a little.  Unfortunately, I didn't find any pots of gold!!

Longniddry Beach

Longniddry Golf Course

Longniddry Golf Course

Thursday 20 February 2014

The Star Flyer

Hello folks!!

Sorry that I have been a bit lax in posting anything, but time is just running away from me these days!  During the festivities in Edinburgh over Christmas and New Year, we risked life and limb to have a trip on the Star Flyer which took a bit of doing as I am not keen on heights.  However, I felt it was something I had to do even though there was a wee voice in my head telling me not to be so silly as I would be scared to death!!  So, with camera in hand, off we went into the air to spin round and round, all which I probably saw through the lens of the camera, which was actually a good way to take my mind off the fact that I was spinning through the air at a high rate of knots at some considerable height!!

Here are one or two photos of my experience:

During another visit into Edinburgh between Christmas and New Year, but at night, we again visited the Star Flyer, but did not go for a trip on it this time.  Instead, I had the camera with tripod at the ready and managed to capture the light trails as it took other people for a 'night flight'

Friday 3 January 2014

Happy New Year!!

Hello folks

I'm sorry that I've not posted anything new recently, but life has been a bit hectic and I just haven't had the chance to write anything or upload any photos.  I will try and rectify this shortly.  Perhaps that should be my New Year's Resolution, to post more on my blog page!!  I did have a resolution though, and that was not to make any at all!!!

Anyway, I wish you all a happy and healthy New Year.  May 2014 bring you all that you wish for.