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Saturday 19 October 2013

The Scottish Seabird Centre Nature Photography Awards

Well, it's that time of the year again, with the deadline drawing near to get photos submitted for the Scottish Seabird Centre's Nature Photography Awards.  I was really lucky last year to have two of my photos chosen for the finals, and I decided to give it another go this year, although I'm not full of hope for this year at all.  I think I've been trying too hard to get that 'perfect shot'!!

However, I have managed to submit six photos prior to the deadline which is the 27th of October, so fingers crossed.  One of the photos I submitted last year that made it through to the finals was only submitted a few days prior to last year's deadline! 

These are my photos for this year, so keep your fingers crossed for me!!

Bee on Lavender (Scottish Wildlife category) taken in my neighbour's garden

Dandelion Sunset (Creative Visions of Nature category) taken down at the beach

Don't speak with your mouth full (Scottish Wildlife category) Puffin taken out at the Isle of May

Jiminy Cricket (Worldwide Wildlife category) taken in Egypt

Suspended Animation (Creative Visions of Nature category) snail shell caught in a spider's web
Day of the Aphid (Scottish Wildlife category) tiny aphid climbing on dead moss seed heads

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