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Friday 28 September 2012

Isle of May - Open Seal Day

As we had been so disappointed not to be able to travel out to the Isle of May on the open lighthouse day, we had re-scheduled to go over for the open seal day on Sunday 23rd September and, as the day approached, we were eagerly watching the weather forecasts as there was a storm heading our way, scheduled to hit on Monday 24th September. 

When Sunday morning arrived, there had been no cancellation phone call so, with back pack packed with essentials like filled rolls and coffee, we headed off to North Berwick for coffee and cake in the Seabird Centre.  The weather was just lovely, so lovely in fact that we sat outside on the cafe deck for our coffee!!  I loved the 'no smoking' signs outside!!

North Berwick beach from the harbour area
 The sea was blue and fairly calm but, when we went to the office to get togged out in our waterproofs, our guide for day Maggie told us that it was almost touch and go as to whether the trip was on or not as the weather front was approaching faster than anticipated!!  However, we were cleared to go and a full boatload took off to the island. 

On arriving at the Isle of May, we were taken round to the part known as Rona as that's where most of the seals were.  It was just fantastic to see them bobbing about in the water and lounging about on the rocks.  This is a map of the Isle of May as supplied for our trip

It was quite difficult getting a photo of the seals in the water what with the movement of the boat and the fact that the seals were popping up out of the water all over the place only for me to just get focused on them before they bobbed under the water again!!  Here are a few photos that I managed to capture from the boat.

We then headed round into Kirkhaven where we all disembarked and were allowed to roam freely on our own.  We had already done the short tour with Maggie on our last visit, so we just wandered about on our own.  It was like a summer's day on the island and really quite warm to start with, although as time passed, there was a distinct change in the weather and the wind started to pick up a little.

As we walked round, I took some photos of this wonderful place.

Not just seals and birds here!!

Then came the highlight of the trip!!  At a superb vantage point, the reserves manager David Pickett was able to give people a wonderful view of a mother seal with her pup which had only been born in the previous 24 hours!!  What a truly wonderful sight.  We had to be careful though because she knew we were there and mothers can abandon their pups if disturbed too much.  I quickly took some photos then had to tear myself away!!

We then headed back to the picnic area, taking some photos along the way, plus we had a look up to the viewpoint at Bishop's Cove.

Bishop's Cove

Bishop's Cove

Looking towards the priory and the foghorn

After a welcome coffee and our rolls, I had another little wander up to the Priory and the foghorn


Priory steps


Pilgrim's Haven

Pilgrim's Haven
They were just a bit too far away to take photos, but as I was leaving here it looked like two seals were heading in, probably to give birth to their pups.

All too soon, it was time to leave as the weather was on the change and we were warned to expect a bit of a swell on the way back to North Berwick.  We all got our waterproofs and lifejackets on and headed off - sure enough, the spray was quite bad and some passengers did get pretty wet.  I was very lucky and was in one of the best seats on the boat as I was a bit sheltered  by other passengers!!  One poor girl looked as if she wasn't enjoying the journey back and had found a way of keeping relatively dry, but unfortunately wouldn't have been able to see anything!!

This is the iconic view of the Bass Rock on the way back - the while dots are all gannets!!

So, that was the trip finished, and we were back before the weather got too bad.  The storm hit us quite fiercely the very next day!!

I can't quite believe that I have been on the island twice this year within a matter of weeks, and it was just fantastic.  I sincerely hope that I will also have at least one opportunity to go back again in 2013.  It is really a very special place indeed.

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