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Friday 24 August 2012

Edinburgh Military Tattoo

Within the past two weeks a friend had ticket to the Edinburgh Military Tattoo that weren't going to be used, so my friend and I jumped at the chance to buy them from her as both of us had not been to the Tattoo for many years.  Finally, yesterday evening was the night we were to go.  I had been praying for dry weather all week, but went prepared with layers of clothes to keep warm, and two waterproof capes just in case.  I had even made a makeshift waterproof for my camera!!

It's amazing what you can do with a plastic bag and sticky tape (I used to watch Blue Peter when I was young!!)
We caught our train into town and walked up into the Royal Mile and Edinburgh Castle.  The place was very busy but we were very efficiently pointed in the right direction and we found our seats (section 11 AA seats 16 and 17).  We were away right up at the very top with no-one behind us and we found that we were sheltered from the wind and the rain - there was a fine drizzle falling by now and people were having to wear their raincoats.

It's a great show - even in the rain!!
The show began promptly at 9 p.m. and it was just fantastic - I have never known the time go past so quickly, and we enjoyed every minute of it.  I think I spent my time watching the whole show through the lens of my camera!!

I love pipe band music - I was brought up on it from an early age!!


Ships in the night

Australian outback

Aboriginal artwork


Dennis the Menace and Gnasher

Edinburgh Castle turned into Gotham City!



Edinburgh Castle transformed into Westminster Abbey

Celebrating the Queen's Jubilee and Coronation

Union Jack

Celebrating the Queen's Jubilee and Coronation



Remembering our fallen heroes

Scottish Saltire

My favourite photo of the night
Of course when the show finished we had to make our way to the train station, but we were stuck in the crowds in the stands waiting to move - we were going nowhere fast!!  When we did make it down the stairs and into Castle Hill we quickly realised there was no way we were going to catch our last train home.  We eventually got to the station and confirmed the train had already left, so we made our way up to Princes Street where we flagged down a taxi to take us part of the way home where we were picked up by my poor hubby who'd had to travel quite a bit further than planned to pick us up!!

However, we had an excellent night out watching a truly superb and spectacular show.  And the bonus was that, although it was raining during the show, we didn't get wet!!  It was definitely a night to remember.

Tuesday 21 August 2012

The Gilmerton Coves - more questions than answers!!

I never knew The Gilmerton Coves existed until I saw a news article on TV about it a few months ago, so decided that it should be put on my ‘to do’ list.  You need to book in advance as spaces are limited to 12 on each tour, but the attraction is open seven days a week.  It is wise to book though and not just turn up on the doorstep as if there are no tours booked for that particular day or time, you may find the doors closed.  You are advised to wear sturdy footwear as the ground inside is uneven and to take a torch as well.  One really good thing is that there are no minimum numbers so if you book, you are guaranteed that you will be able to visit on your chosen date and time.  I think tours are scheduled on the hour every hour.

The attraction is on a busy main street with no car parking facilities, but we found a small car park behind some shops just around the corner.

I booked in advance for our party of four and when we arrived, we were told that it was just to be the four of us, but another few people arrived unexpectedly and joined us as there was room available.  However, had we not been booked or had we been a large party, those people may well have been disappointed or have had to wait until our tour was finished, so it really is wise to book ahead.  Hard hats are supplied to wear for health and safety reasons.

Our guide was a lovely girl called Lindsay who was very knowledgeable about the Coves and explained everything in detail, including what all the stories are concerning the Coves and how they were discovered.  There are more questions than answers however, and I think that’s what makes the Coves so fascinating.  Was it a coven used by witches?  Was it used by the Covenanters?  Was it just a drinking den?  Did the Knights of St. John come here?  Where do the tunnels lead to?   How old is it?  Is it haunted?  The list goes on!!  It makes you wonder just how many other hidden places there are underneath the streets of Edinburgh.

The tour lasts for around 45 minutes then you are allowed to have a wander around by yourselves and to take photos. 

I found it really fascinating and would recommend that you put it on your ‘to do’ list as well.  In fact, don’t just put it on your list – make sure you do visit!!

Here are some photos to whet your appetite!!

Spooky coves

Spooky corridor

Perfect height for sitting down with your pint of ale!!

Spooky even with the camera flash on!!

The biggest chamber - what was it used for?

Is the hole in the rock for baptisms, or a witches cauldron, or sacrifices perhaps??

More questions than answers here!!

The wearing of hard hats is compulsory for health and safety reasons

Friday 17 August 2012

An Afternoon at the Playpark and Beach

On Wednesday I had an afternoon out with the boys and their mum when we went to the playpark and then the beach.  It's never enough to do just one place - both require to be done when the boys come to visit!!  It was a little dull and windy, but not too cold, so we were really lucky as the rain came on pretty heavy later in the day.

Here are a few photos of the fun time they had:

At the Playpark

At the Beach

Sunday 5 August 2012

Raindrops Keep Falling on my Head!

As you are all probably aware I take every and any opportunity to take photos, so have recently been experimenting with raindrops!!  Well, we have had plenty of them recently, so why not try and get a photo!!

Here are some examples of my efforts

My house as seen through the eye of nature - a raindrop!!