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Thursday 28 June 2012

Birthday Visit to Edinburgh Zoo

Away back in March of this year I decided that I would like to go to Edinburgh Zoo for my birthday to see the Pandas, so my husband booked it up and yesterday was the day!!  I predicted in March that it would rain on the day - and true to form, it certainly did!!  However, even with the poor weather it didn't dampen my spirits and we set off.  Our viewing slot was 11 a.m. but we arrived early and to save us standing in the rain waiting, they took us through with the 10.30 a.m. people, so that was great.

Both pandas were outside sleeping, so not very active.  Tian Tian was the first one we saw.  She was up on her platform sleeping with her head hidden behind a pole, so no-one could see her properly.  However, she suddenly moved into a much better position and all the cameras starting snapping!!  We then moved on to Yang Guang's enclosure and he was sleeping with his bum facing the glass viewing screen, so no chance of photos there!!

Here are a couple of Tian Tian, but they were taken through glass, so may not be too clear

After the pandas we moved on to the Meerkats, which were just fascinating!!

And here are just some general photos from the visit:

Sun Bear

Emperor Penguin


Crested Pigeon

Exotic colourful bird

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