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Sunday 9 May 2010

Black bear sighting!!

We are having a great time over here, but the days are beginning to merge into each other and I'm losing track of what's going on! The days are long as we're up early in the morning for breakfast then on our way in the bus, The views are really spectacular and some days we experience all seasons in one day! We had a real highlight on Friday when we saw a black bear near the highway. Unfortunately the driver couldn't stop for photos, but it was just fantastic to see.

When we got to Lake Louise, it was still frozen and covered in snow, so we didn't get to see it as you see in most photos all turquoise. It also snowed a bit when we were there but, when we got further on in the journey and stopped for lunch, it was lovely and warm and just like summer! Even today (Saturday) when we set off from Lac le Juene, it was frosty and snowing but by the time we got on the road, it cleared up and by lunchtime it was lovely. We went to see Minter Gardens and also have lunch there, which was super. Lots of the plants were the same as ours, so it was nice to be able to recognise some of them!

The hotels we have had so far have been really nice with super huge comfortable beds, so we have been sleeping quite well. We're looking forward to getting onto the boat though so we can get organised properly. We've been living out of suitcases for the past while so it'll be nice to get unpacked properly.

I don't think there's much else to tell you about for now, so I'd better sign off and think about getting to bed. We see from the news that the volcano is at it again, so it seems like we were very lucky to get here!! Fingers crossed that we get back when planned. I'll be in touch again as soon as I can get some internet access.

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