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Thursday 20 February 2014

The Star Flyer

Hello folks!!

Sorry that I have been a bit lax in posting anything, but time is just running away from me these days!  During the festivities in Edinburgh over Christmas and New Year, we risked life and limb to have a trip on the Star Flyer which took a bit of doing as I am not keen on heights.  However, I felt it was something I had to do even though there was a wee voice in my head telling me not to be so silly as I would be scared to death!!  So, with camera in hand, off we went into the air to spin round and round, all which I probably saw through the lens of the camera, which was actually a good way to take my mind off the fact that I was spinning through the air at a high rate of knots at some considerable height!!

Here are one or two photos of my experience:

During another visit into Edinburgh between Christmas and New Year, but at night, we again visited the Star Flyer, but did not go for a trip on it this time.  Instead, I had the camera with tripod at the ready and managed to capture the light trails as it took other people for a 'night flight'