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Wednesday 12 June 2013

The Humble Dandelion

I had been experimenting with the seed heads of dandelions, trying in vain to take a photo as the seeds were blown from the head.  However, I went down to the beach recently on a beautifully sunny day with a soft breeze and I managed to take these photos.  If you were down at the beach that day and you saw a mad woman with a camera playing with dandelions, that was me!!

The Edinburgh Marathon

On Sunday 26th May, the Edinburgh Marathon took place and, as it was a lovely day and it was more or less passing by the end of our street, we nipped down to have a look.  As ever, I had the camera with me, so here are a few photos from the day

Police escort for the leader of the pack

The leader - he went on to win the race


More runners

And more runners