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Thursday 9 May 2013

Helicopter Flight

My husband and I had had been given a present of a helicopter flight for our birthdays - to celebrate his 70th in March and to celebrate my 60th in June.  It had already been postponed, but had been reorganised for Sunday 5th May.  Sunday morning had started off lovely with loads of sunshine but, by the time it got to our allotted time for our flight, the sun had gone and the skies were grey!!  However, it was soon time to climb into the helicopter, and I was to be co-pilot!!  This is an extra that you can pay for, so we done that, which was an added bonus.  This is the helicopter we were going to be flying in

Part of the safety briefing, particularly for me, was not to touch the foot pedal controls!!  You can see them here, so I made sure not to go anywhere near them!!

We were soon on our way onwards and upwards, with spectacular views of the Lammermoor Hills, the Bass Rock and the village of East Linton.  All too soon though, the flight was over and we were back down to earth.  All in all, it was a great experience - I would love to do a longer one and fly over our house!!  Here are some of the views

Looking towards the Lammermoor Hills

Looking towards the East Coast

The Bass Rock

Bird's eye view from the co-pilot's seat!

Village of East Linton

Wednesday 1 May 2013

I found a skeleton in the garden!!

I'm always looking for something unusual to photograph and, while working in the garden the other day, I found a skeleton.  It's not what you think - I haven't dug up a body and it's nothing sinister, it's just the skeleton of a flower from last year, almost perfectly preserved under a small mountain of leaves!! Anyway, here a few photos of my unusual find.  I've kept a hold of it so that I can practice taking more photos later - I prefer to think of it as a Fairy Lantern!!