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Saturday 28 July 2012

Seafari to the Isle of May

Up until now, I had never ever seen a puffin apart from on TV or in pictures, and I desperately wanted to fulfill an ambition to see one.  I had seen a photography trip advertised which left North Berwick Seabird Centre out to the Isle of May in the Firth of Forth but, by the time I got round to checking it out, all the spaces were filled, so I decided to try and book a Seafari May trip instead, but time was getting tight as the puffins will be leaving shortly!!

So, taking the bull by the horns, I booked a trip for my husband and I for Wednesday 26th July as the weather forecast was good for that day - and we've not had that many good days this year!!  However, it was disappointing to hear later that the trip had to be cancelled due to lack of interest, however the good news was that we could go the next day, Thursday 27th July instead, so the trip was on!!

We set off in the morning, stopping at our local sandwich shop for some filled rolls and juice for a picnic, then headed off to North Berwick.  We popped into the Seabird Centre for a coffee first and then made our way the short distance to the harbour.  Once togged out in our waterproofs and lifejackets and a short safety talk by our guide Maggie, it was time to set off.  The weather wasn't too bad, although there were some dark grey clouds about!!  We bounced along the waves, which was great fun and, the closer we got to the Isle of May, the sea was teeming with bird life, including puffins - it was marvellous!!

We arrived on the Isle of May and took the opportunity of a short guided walk by Maggie before sitting down for our picnic lunch then some free time before gathering together for the trip back to North Berwick.  There was some picnic tables outside the small visitor centre and there are also toilets, so basic needs are catered for.  I loved our trip over there and wouldn't hesitate to recommend that other people give it a try, and I'd certainly do it all over again in a heartbeat!!

The weather held out quite well, although it did cloud over after lunch.  The thing is however, puffins don't like warm weather so, on the day we had originally booked for, most of the puffins had been out at sea and not on the island, but during our visit the weather was perfect for them and having never even seen one puffin before, I had now seen thousands!!

As you can imagine, I was busy with the camera to record my day out, so here are what I think are the best of the photos:

Make room for me, I'm coming in!!

The Viridor Puffin

Sea pinks

Sunday 8 July 2012

Daddy Woodpecker arrives with baby!!

Although not just as regular as he was, daddy woodpecker still visits the garden, but I was thrilled to bits a couple of days ago when he arrived with baby!!  Then, just yesterday, baby woodpecker arrived on his own, so I am hoping that both will become regular visitors.  I did manage to take a couple of photos of baby, but they're not good quality as they were taken through glass that needs a good clean at the moment after the atrocious weather we have been having!!

So, here we are - meet baby Woody!!!

Tuesday 3 July 2012

Chasing Bumble Bees

I've been playing with my camera again and have been chasing bumble bees in the garden as they try to collect nectar from the flowers.  I just hope that one of these days they don't get too angry and try to chase me!!  Here are the results of my efforts:

Sunday 1 July 2012

Brief Respite from the Rain!!

We've had rain then sunshine and now more rain today - the 1st of July and it's supposed to be summer!!

While the sun was out, I was out too with the camera - here are some of the better shots!!

Raindrops hanging like little pearls from a spider's web

Raindrops captured in flower seed head

Bee looking for nectar

Wonder if he's having a drink as well?

Flower head covered in raindrops

Summer BBQ

We were invited to a birthday BBQ yesterday afternoon and the sun shone!!  Well, it did for a wee while, and really got quite warm before the rain set in - AGAIN!!  I took one or two photos while it was nice - not so much people, but landscapes and animals!!!

Harvey and his friend!!

Inquisitive cows

Gathered together in the shade of the tree

It was sunny ......

...... but not for long!!

The rain clouds were gathering

This is MY chicken!!